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“…the aim of my work is to reveal and enhance the natural and tactile aspect of clays and glazes through functional objects, revised daily-use objects for the table and the house, simple spontaneous shapes which ask to be experienced and perceived through the sense of touch……
…finding beauty into imperfection”
baba (barbara arcieri) is a florence based southern italian design architect addicted to ceramic, living and working in florence as a full time ceramist.
she has been working for years as an architect in italy and in london while feeding her passion for ceramic only in the little spare time available, until ceramic eventually took total grip on her, she quit the “serious” (and safe!) desk job as an architect to completely dedicate herself to ceramic.
her work aims to be between contemporary design and art, functional sculptures or sculptural functional objects, with the constant ambition to transform mud in poetry, trying to catch the elusive beauty existing into imperfection.
baba works exclusively with stoneware clay and royal porcelain, which she handbuilts, throws and slipcasts. the works are then exclusively fired at high temperature, making them strong enough for a daily use. the pieces are food safe, dishwasher and microwave safe. for the very thin porcelain pieces by the way it is strongly recommend to wash them by hand and with extreme care.
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